Budget Message From The President

United States Government Unveils Budget for Fiscal Year 2025

Budget Message from the President

The Budget of the United States Government, released on March 9, 2023, outlines the President's vision for the nation's financial priorities and sets the agenda for the upcoming fiscal year.

An Infographic from the Congressional Budget Office

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has created an infographic that provides a snapshot of the federal budget in fiscal year 2022. The infographic highlights key revenue and spending categories, as well as the federal deficit.

Budget Issued by the Office of Management and Budget

The Budget of the United States Government is prepared and issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The OMB is responsible for overseeing the federal government's budget and financial management process.


The Budget of the United States Government for Fiscal Year 2025 provides a detailed roadmap for the nation's financial future. By balancing the need for fiscal responsibility with investments in critical priorities, the Budget aims to create a stronger and more prosperous America for all.

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